Weed Control for Sports Turf

Maintaining the grass on Football, Hockey, Rugby, Cricket and Baseball Fields requires tremendous amount of money, time and effort especially when it comes in controlling unwanted weeds that grows almost everywhere in grass fields.
Proper weed control for sports turf offers different kind of approach and points to deal because of the various types of weed that grows in the field. In the recent years, sport grass comes in variety such as the Bermuda and Bahia grass, Kentucky Blue grass and Perenial Fescue. Identifying different kinds of weed specie marks the first step in successfully controlling the weed infestation problem. You can also ask your local government office for more information in identifying these unwanted plants.
Let's try to enumerate some of the Sports Turf weeds and ways on how to control it.
False Dandelion or Common Dandelion
This weed is mostly found worldwide and grows almost everywhere. This weed is a heavy selfish feeder that absorbs anything in its path including nutrients of your grass. Most of the times, this weed cannot be controlled by mechanical means such as the mower. The only solution left is by using herbicides like Dicamba which can kill almost any weed before and after they sprout. This herbicide is toxic to animals and people but not in plants and grass.
White Clover
It is an annual weed normally found in low maintained sports turf where lawn is not well nourished. The only way to get rid of these weeds is by using herbicide known as Glyphosate non-selective weed killers. Sadly, these herbicides can kill other plants and grass it comes contact with. It is best used during cloudy and windless days.
Annual Blue Grass
It is also an annual weed that mostly grows during the spring time. It grows in open fields and in areas where there is moist and the soil is compacted like Soccer and Football grounds. It is not really practical to eradicate annual blue grass at some point because it is known to die after the spring season. However if it is becoming a problem in the sports turf you can easily dig it up even before it established itself. In the occasion where large portion of it are already present, use a wide variety of herbicide for this weeds. Try to visit your Garden shop for more details and make sure to read the manufacturers label before using it.


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