Should You Use Organic Weed Killer?
It is possible to use herbicide or organic weed killer to kill unwanted plant growth in organic gardens without introducing any dangerous chemicals into your backyard. There are a growing number of people that will look specifically for organic weed killer even if their garden is not 100% organic. If you are looking for weed killer for a vegetable garden, it is a reasonable assumption that very few people, if any, will want to spray a lot of unknown chemicals onto plants that you are growing for food. Even if you do not have a vegetable garden, organic weed killer will generally be safer for pets. In all cases, if you are using weed killer you must check the labels to understand what is in the ingredients. The word 'organic' has two different meanings. One is any substance that is carbon based, which includes almost all weed killers. The other meaning of organic relates to a product that can be used on land that has been certified for organic food production...